Doctoral in Law Enforcement, Policing and Investigation

Law Enforcement, Policing and Investigation Doctoral Programs are designed to prepare individuals for high level employment within the law enforcement system. These programs emphasize on criminal procedure, criminal law, policing, corrections, and investigation. The degree can be normally earned between five to seven years, but the exact duration may depend on the student and the institute.

The doctoral program in Law Enforcement, Policing and Investigation can be utilized in a variety of settings. Students have plenty of choice to decide a profession depending on their interest and experience. With a doctorate level degree, students can apply their knowledge and skills in state government, federal executive branch, local government, postal service, colleges, universities, and professional schools.


Coursework offered for the doctoral program normally has an inter-disciplinary approach. It is a combination of theory, normative analysis and research methods. In order to successfully complete the coursework, students need to have strong verbal and written communication skills. Besides, they need to have a strong grasp of advanced statistical methods and computer science principles.

The courses of doctoral program can be divided in two main categories: core curriculum and specialized coursework. Core curriculum consists of courses that need to be covered by every student in the program. Normally the classes are based on various social science methods, research design, information retrieval and statistics. The core curriculum may also have classes related to law enforcement, policing, criminal law, criminal procedure, and court systems. These courses enable students to develop a strong foundation in the field.

The specialized coursework in Law Enforcement, Policing and Investigation Doctoral Programs largely depends on students and their chosen specialization area. However, common courses in this area may include police science, criminal justice psychology, public policy analysis, criminology theory, criminal psychology, and victimology.

Online Doctoral Programs

Online programs in Law Enforcement, Policing and Investigation can be a good opportunity for individuals who cannot attend on campus programs due to their other commitments. Online programs can vary in quality of education, so it is preferable to look for accredited online programs, which meet the standards set by relevant accrediting agencies.

There are a number of benefits received by students who opt for doctoral programs online. Not only do they acquire education in a flexible and convenient manner, but they also save various education costs. As online courses are self paced, students can complete them in their preferred time and have their own study schedule. Students may also reduce their education expenses with online programs by not having any travelling, textbook, or hostel accommodation expenses.


Law enforcement, policing, and investigation can be an excellent opportunity to interact with a wide variety of people and make a difference in society. Law enforcement professionals can play important roles as police officers or corrections officers.  Other career options include crime scene investigator, detective, and forensic scientist. With the relevant experience and education, individuals can acquire position of a federal agent in FBI, NSA, CIA, or DHS.


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